Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd.AI ChatBot Blog Article

Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Author Image 1-1

  Blog Article Author: Nicholas Williamson

  |    Blog Article Publication Date: 29/09/2022

  |    10 Minute Read

    AI ChatBot Blog Article

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 1-1

Have you ever decided you wanted to buy a new jacket or dress?

You have an idea of the style you want to buy and how much you are willing to spend. So, you go to your local shopping mall, knowing there are four clothing stores that you can buy from.

You walk into the first clothing store and start looking around. After a few minutes, a shop assistance walks up to you and asks if you need any help. You have already found a jacket or dress you are interested in, so you politely say you are thinking about buying it. The shop assistance then says, "let me know if you need any help" and walks away. You decide to check what is available in the other three clothing stores.

You walk into the next two clothing stores. No one asks if you need any help. You again see a similar jacket or dress but decide to check the other clothing stores first.

You then walk into the fourth clothing store. A very enthusiastic shop assistance walks up to you straight away. She introduces herself and asks for your name. She seems excited to meet you and asks, "how is your day going so far?" After a short chat, she asks you "what are you looking for today?" She walks you over to the jackets or dresses and excitedly shows you a few different styles she says are very popular with her customers.

All the jackets or dresses you have seen so far are similar in style and price. Which clothing store would you buy the jacket or dress you want to buy from?

If your answer is clothing store four, you are 100% correct.

Why are you correct?

You are correct because the shop assistant at clothing store four made you feel special and important. She greeted you, introduced herself, asked for your name, took an interest in you, asked you what are looking for and then helped you find a jacket or dress to buy!

She should make you feel special and important. Because, to any business owner, a customer who is looking to buy a product or service from them, is special and important!


What is your business website?

For most business owners, your business website is quite likely the first time a website visitor sees your business and brand.

Your business website is the first impression your website visitor gets regarding your business and brand. And most people would agree that first impressions certainly do count!

Keeping in mind the shopping experience example you read above, when most people are looking to buy a product or service online these days, they generally do their research first and visit four or more websites, often for the first time, before they decide to buy.

Often, your website visitors already have an objective in mind before they decide to buy. They might be looking to buy a trusted branded product at a discount. They might be looking to buy a product at the cheapest price possible or have some other objective in mind!

The fact of the matter is, however, that in a lot of cases, you and your business and brand are a stranger to your first-time website visitors.

Therefore, the big question you need to ask yourself is what sort of impression do you want to give your website visitors about your business and brand?

Why would they buy from you instead of your competitors?

There are a lot of very nice-looking websites out there, just as there are a lot of nice-looking clothing stores in shopping malls, full of bright, shiny products!

Are you happy with your nice-looking business website?

Perhaps you have incorporated an online Chat Agent on your business website that is available during business hours to answer your website visitor’s questions, if they have any?

Your online Chat Agent might briefly capture your website visitor’s attention, such as in the example of shop assistant in Clothing Store one above.

But a lot of people do their online research outside of business hours. During these hours, your online Chat Agent is not being monitored.

You might have incorporated Messenger or WhatsApp to handle your website visitor’s questions, but what if your website visitor sends through a question while you are asleep?


What if you could implement a sales tool on your website that is designed to be pro-active and capture and retain your website visitor’s attention as soon as they open your business website in their browsers, much like the example of the shop assistant in clothing store four above, thus maximising your opportunity to obtain a sale from every website visitor who visits your business website?

In September 2022, we launched our AI ChatBot service here at Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd.

AI ChatBot has been developed as a sales tool that can be easily incorporated on any website and will immediately capture and retain your website visitor’s attention as soon as they open your business website in their browsers!

Our AI ChatBot service incorporates next generation artificial intelligence and video technology, enabling you to take your business website to the next level.

Fully hosted in the Google Cloud, you can professionally introduce your business to your website visitors and engage with them to automatically obtain their names, email addresses and phone numbers, allow them to book a day and time to be contacted, offer discounts, drive sales, and much more.

Rather than take-up your time now with lots of technical information, I would prefer to direct you to two examples I have prepared to highlight the benefits of our AI ChatBot service.


    Example 1 – Click the Image below to view a nice-looking business website

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 1-2

    Example 2 – Click the Image below to view a nice-looking business website incorporating an example of our AI ChatBot service

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 1-3

As you have now seen in Example 2 above, AI ChatBot pro-actively captures your attention as soon as you open the business website in your browser.

After viewing both above examples, ask yourself a few questions:

   o  Which business and brand would I be more likely to trust?

   o  Which business would I be more likely to buy from?

   o  Which business website would I spend more time on looking at their range of products and / or services?

If you have a nice-looking business website with some form of online chat agent available, your business website is like the shop assistant from clothing store one in the retail shopping experience example described at the beginning of this blog article.

If you have a nice-looking business website without any form of online chat agent available, your business website is like clothing stores two and three in the retail shopping experience example.

If you have a nice-looking business website and you incorporate our AI ChatBot services, your business website will be like the shop assistance from clothing store four in the retail shopping experience example, maximising your opportunity to obtain sales of your products and / or services from your website visitors.

As you will have observed from Example 2 above, our AI ChatBot services launches when your business website opens in your browser.

The business introduction video commences playing muted but is highly visible to your website visitors, capturing their attention immediately and offering your website visitor’s the opportunity to click a button to hear the video sound.

Upon clicking the "Click For Sound" Button, the business introduction video commences playing from the beginning and plays through once before disappearing.

After the business introduction video finishing playing and disappears, the automated chat agent remains waiting to interact with your website visitor’s.

We pre-program the AI ChatBot’s automated chat agent to introduce itself, ask your website visitor for their name, email address and phone number, ask why they have visited your website or what product and / or services of yours they are interested in, offer discounts, conduct surveys, book appointments or call-backs and much more.

Furthermore, we can configure AI ChatBot in conjunction with Zapier to automatically port all information obtained from your website visitors to your own CRM system. This requires you to create an account with Zapier and additional monthly fees apply. Refer to Zapier’s website for more information on their account fee pricing.

Alternatively, we can provide you with a dedicated URL where you can download your business website chat history on a daily basis as a .CSV file and import it into your CRM or Emailing program, etc.

You can also order additional AI ChatBots to be deployed on different web pages on your business website. We can add AI ChatBot on your product and / or service description, individual product or service, shopping cart and checkout web pages, guiding your website visitors through your business sales process.

AI ChatBot works tirelessly for you automatically 24 x 7 x 365. AI ChatBot is your own business AI Robot. It never sleeps, complains, or takes time off. There is no need to waste your employees time or to employ additional staff to monitor your business website chat agents. All your business website visitors chat histories are automatically saved to the Google Cloud for you.

For businesses with a smaller marketing budget, here are a few other examples of how AI ChatBot can be configured to suit your marketing budget.


    Example 3 – Click the Image below to view a nice-looking business website incorporating an example of our AI ChatBot service configured for the video component only

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 1-4

    Example 4 – Click the Image below to view a nice-looking business website incorporating an example of our AI ChatBot service configured for the automated chat agent only

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 1-5

We can configure our AI ChatBot service to suit large through to small businesses budgets.

Our AI ChatBot service is fully automated and fully hosted in the Google Cloud. We provide all hosting for free, and you need zero programming knowledge on your side. Our AI ChatBot service only requires a few lines of code to be added to your website pages to be displayed, and renders perfectly on all devices.

You have already invested in your business by creating or having a nice-looking business website created for you.

Now is the perfect time to invest a bit more money into your business by adding our AI ChatBot service to your business website, and thus, obtain a pro-active, professional edge on your competitors.

Act now before your competitors do, and start stealing potential customers from you!

Click HERE to read more about our AI ChatBot service, view pricing and securely order AI ChatBot online.

Turbo charge your business website sales funnel using our AI ChatBot service and take your business website to the next level by contacting us at Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd.! We promise results! We drive brand awareness, generate leads, and maximise your revenue in ways that have not been done before. Make money. Be successful. Choose Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd.


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NOTE: You must be logged into your Social Media Account to share this Blog Article.

We love everything internet here at Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. We love our supporters too, so, if you share our AI ChatBot Blog Article on your Social Media Accounts, email us a screen capture to to let us know and we will send you a gift! As we say here at Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd., sharing is caring!
Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Author Image 2-1

  Blog Article Author: Nicholas Williamson

  |    Blog Article Publication Date: 29/09/2022

  |    10 Minute Read

    AI ChatBot Blog Article

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 2-1

Have you ever decided you wanted to buy a new jacket or dress?

You have an idea of the style you want to buy and how much you are willing to spend. So, you go to your local shopping mall, knowing there are four clothing stores that you can buy from.

You walk into the first clothing store and start looking around. After a few minutes, a shop assistance walks up to you and asks if you need any help. You have already found a jacket or dress you are interested in, so you politely say you are thinking about buying it. The shop assistance then says, "let me know if you need any help" and walks away. You decide to check what is available in the other three clothing stores.

You walk into the next two clothing stores. No one asks if you need any help. You again see a similar jacket or dress but decide to check the other clothing stores first.

You then walk into the fourth clothing store. A very enthusiastic shop assistance walks up to you straight away. She introduces herself and asks for your name. She seems excited to meet you and asks, "how is your day going so far?" After a short chat, she asks you "what are you looking for today?" She walks you over to the jackets or dresses and excitedly shows you a few different styles she says are very popular with her customers.

All the jackets or dresses you have seen so far are similar in style and price. Which clothing store would you buy the jacket or dress you want to buy from?

If your answer is clothing store four, you are 100% correct.

Why are you correct?

You are correct because the shop assistant at clothing store four made you feel special and important. She greeted you, introduced herself, asked for your name, took an interest in you, asked you what are looking for and then helped you find a jacket or dress to buy!

She should make you feel special and important. Because, to any business owner, a customer who is looking to buy a product or service from them, is special and important!


What is your business website?

For most business owners, your business website is quite likely the first time a website visitor sees your business and brand.

Your business website is the first impression your website visitor gets regarding your business and brand. And most people would agree that first impressions certainly do count!

Keeping in mind the shopping experience example you read above, when most people are looking to buy a product or service online these days, they generally do their research first and visit four or more websites, often for the first time, before they decide to buy.

Often, your website visitors already have an objective in mind before they decide to buy. They might be looking to buy a trusted branded product at a discount. They might be looking to buy a product at the cheapest price possible or have some other objective in mind!

The fact of the matter is, however, that in a lot of cases, you and your business and brand are a stranger to your first-time website visitors.

Therefore, the big question you need to ask yourself is what sort of impression do you want to give your website visitors about your business and brand?

Why would they buy from you instead of your competitors?

There are a lot of very nice-looking websites out there, just as there are a lot of nice-looking clothing stores in shopping malls, full of bright, shiny products!

Are you happy with your nice-looking business website?

Perhaps you have incorporated an online Chat Agent on your business website that is available during business hours to answer your website visitor’s questions, if they have any?

Your online Chat Agent might briefly capture your website visitor’s attention, such as in the example of shop assistant in Clothing Store one above.

But a lot of people do their online research outside of business hours. During these hours, your online Chat Agent is not being monitored.

You might have incorporated Messenger or WhatsApp to handle your website visitor’s questions, but what if your website visitor sends through a question while you are asleep?


What if you could implement a sales tool on your website that is designed to be pro-active and capture and retain your website visitor’s attention as soon as they open your business website in their browsers, much like the example of the shop assistant in clothing store four above, thus maximising your opportunity to obtain a sale from every website visitor who visits your business website?

In September 2022, we launched our AI ChatBot service here at Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd.

AI ChatBot has been developed as a sales tool that can be easily incorporated on any website and will immediately capture and retain your website visitor’s attention as soon as they open your business website in their browsers!

Our AI ChatBot service incorporates next generation artificial intelligence and video technology, enabling you to take your business website to the next level.

Fully hosted in the Google Cloud, you can professionally introduce your business to your website visitors and engage with them to automatically obtain their names, email addresses and phone numbers, allow them to book a day and time to be contacted, offer discounts, drive sales, and much more.

Rather than take-up your time now with lots of technical information, I would prefer to direct you to two examples I have prepared to highlight the benefits of our AI ChatBot service.


    Example 1 – Click the Image below to view a nice-looking business website

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 2-2

    Example 2 – Click the Image below to view a nice-looking business website incorporating an example of our AI ChatBot service

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 2-3

As you have now seen in Example 2 above, AI ChatBot pro-actively captures your attention as soon as you open the business website in your browser.

After viewing both above examples, ask yourself a few questions:

   o  Which business and brand would I be more likely to trust?

   o  Which business would I be more likely to buy from?

   o  Which business website would I spend more time on looking at their range of products and / or services?

If you have a nice-looking business website with some form of online chat agent available, your business website is like the shop assistant from clothing store one in the retail shopping experience example described at the beginning of this blog article.

If you have a nice-looking business website without any form of online chat agent available, your business website is like clothing stores two and three in the retail shopping experience example.

If you have a nice-looking business website and you incorporate our AI ChatBot services, your business website will be like the shop assistance from clothing store four in the retail shopping experience example, maximising your opportunity to obtain sales of your products and / or services from your website visitors.

As you will have observed from Example 2 above, our AI ChatBot services launches when your business website opens in your browser.

The business introduction video commences playing muted but is highly visible to your website visitors, capturing their attention immediately and offering your website visitor’s the opportunity to click a button to hear the video sound.

Upon clicking the "Click For Sound" Button, the business introduction video commences playing from the beginning and plays through once before disappearing.

After the business introduction video finishing playing and disappears, the automated chat agent remains waiting to interact with your website visitor’s.

We pre-program the AI ChatBot’s automated chat agent to introduce itself, ask your website visitor for their name, email address and phone number, ask why they have visited your website or what product and / or services of yours they are interested in, offer discounts, conduct surveys, book appointments or call-backs and much more.

Furthermore, we can configure AI ChatBot in conjunction with Zapier to automatically port all information obtained from your website visitors to your own CRM system. This requires you to create an account with Zapier and additional monthly fees apply. Refer to Zapier’s website for more information on their account fee pricing.

Alternatively, we can provide you with a dedicated URL where you can download your business website chat history on a daily basis as a .CSV file and import it into your CRM or Emailing program, etc.

You can also order additional AI ChatBots to be deployed on different web pages on your business website. We can add AI ChatBot on your product and / or service description, individual product or service, shopping cart and checkout web pages, guiding your website visitors through your business sales process.

AI ChatBot works tirelessly for you automatically 24 x 7 x 365. AI ChatBot is your own business AI Robot. It never sleeps, complains, or takes time off. There is no need to waste your employees time or to employ additional staff to monitor your business website chat agents. All your business website visitors chat histories are automatically saved to the Google Cloud for you.

For businesses with a smaller marketing budget, here are a few other examples of how AI ChatBot can be configured to suit your marketing budget.


    Example 3 – Click the Image below to view a nice-looking business website incorporating an example of our AI ChatBot service configured for the video component only

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 2-4

    Example 4 – Click the Image below to view a nice-looking business website incorporating an example of our AI ChatBot service configured for the automated chat agent only

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 2-5

We can configure our AI ChatBot service to suit large through to small businesses budgets.

Our AI ChatBot service is fully automated and fully hosted in the Google Cloud. We provide all hosting for free, and you need zero programming knowledge on your side. Our AI ChatBot service only requires a few lines of code to be added to your website pages to be displayed, and renders perfectly on all devices.

You have already invested in your business by creating or having a nice-looking business website created for you.

Now is the perfect time to invest a bit more money into your business by adding our AI ChatBot service to your business website, and thus, obtain a pro-active, professional edge on your competitors.

Act now before your competitors do, and start stealing potential customers from you!

Click HERE to read more about our AI ChatBot service, view pricing and securely order AI ChatBot online.

Turbo charge your business website sales funnel using our AI ChatBot service and take your business website to the next level by contacting us at Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd.! We promise results! We drive brand awareness, generate leads, and maximise your revenue in ways that have not been done before. Make money. Be successful. Choose Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd.


Share this Blog Article on Social Media  

NOTE: You must be logged into your Social Media Account to share this Blog Article.

We love everything internet here at Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. We love our supporters too, so, if you share our AI ChatBot Blog Article on your Social Media Accounts, email us a screen capture to to let us know and we will send you a gift! As we say here at Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd., sharing is caring!
Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Author Image 3-1

  Blog Article Author: Nicholas Williamson

Blog Article Publication Date: 29/09/2022

10 Minute Read

    AI ChatBot Blog Article

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 3-1

Have you ever decided you wanted to buy a new jacket or dress?


You have an idea of the style you want to buy and how much you are willing to spend. So, you go to your local shopping mall, knowing there are four clothing stores that you can buy from.


You walk into the first clothing store and start looking around. After a few minutes, a shop assistance walks up to you and asks if you need any help. You have already found a jacket or dress you are interested in, so you politely say you are thinking about buying it. The shop assistance then says, "let me know if you need any help" and walks away. You decide to check what is available in the other three clothing stores.


You walk into the next two clothing stores. No one asks if you need any help. You again see a similar jacket or dress but decide to check the other clothing stores first.


You then walk into the fourth clothing store. A very enthusiastic shop assistance walks up to you straight away. She introduces herself and asks for your name. She seems excited to meet you and asks, "how is your day going so far?" After a short chat, she asks you "what are you looking for today?" She walks you over to the jackets or dresses and excitedly shows you a few different styles she says are very popular with her customers.


All the jackets or dresses you have seen so far are similar in style and price. Which clothing store would you buy the jacket or dress you want to buy from?


If your answer is clothing store four, you are 100% correct.


Why are you correct?


You are correct because the shop assistant at clothing store four made you feel special and important. She greeted you, introduced herself, asked for your name, took an interest in you, asked you what are looking for and then helped you find a jacket or dress to buy!


She should make you feel special and important. Because, to any business owner, a customer who is looking to buy a product or service from them, is special and important!



What is your business website?


For most business owners, your business website is quite likely the first time a website visitor sees your business and brand.


Your business website is the first impression your website visitor gets regarding your business and brand. And most people would agree that first impressions certainly do count!


Keeping in mind the shopping experience example you read above, when most people are looking to buy a product or service online these days, they generally do their research first and visit four or more websites, often for the first time, before they decide to buy.


Often, your website visitors already have an objective in mind before they decide to buy. They might be looking to buy a trusted branded product at a discount. They might be looking to buy a product at the cheapest price possible or have some other objective in mind!


The fact of the matter is, however, that in a lot of cases, you and your business and brand are a stranger to your first-time website visitors.


Therefore, the big question you need to ask yourself is what sort of impression do you want to give your website visitors about your business and brand?


Why would they buy from you instead of your competitors?


There are a lot of very nice-looking websites out there, just as there are a lot of nice-looking clothing stores in shopping malls, full of bright, shiny products!


Are you happy with your nice-looking business website?


Perhaps you have incorporated an online Chat Agent on your business website that is available during business hours to answer your website visitor’s questions, if they have any?


Your online Chat Agent might briefly capture your website visitor’s attention, such as in the example of shop assistant in Clothing Store one above.


But a lot of people do their online research outside of business hours. During these hours, your online Chat Agent is not being monitored.


You might have incorporated Messenger or WhatsApp to handle your website visitor’s questions, but what if your website visitor sends through a question while you are asleep?



What if you could implement a sales tool on your website that is designed to be pro-active and capture and retain your website visitor’s attention as soon as they open your business website in their browsers, much like the example of the shop assistant in clothing store four above, thus maximising your opportunity to obtain a sale from every website visitor who visits your business website?


In September 2022, we launched our AI ChatBot service here at Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd.


AI ChatBot has been developed as a sales tool that can be easily incorporated on any website and will immediately capture and retain your website visitor’s attention as soon as they open your business website in their browsers!


Our AI ChatBot service incorporates next generation artificial intelligence and video technology, enabling you to take your business website to the next level.


Fully hosted in the Google Cloud, you can professionally introduce your business to your website visitors and engage with them to automatically obtain their names, email addresses and phone numbers, allow them to book a day and time to be contacted, offer discounts, drive sales, and much more.


Rather than take-up your time now with lots of technical information, I would prefer to direct you to two examples I have prepared to highlight the benefits of our AI ChatBot service.


    Example 1 – Click the Image below to view a nice-looking business website

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 3-2

    Example 2 – Click the Image below to view a nice-looking business website incorporating an example of our AI ChatBot service

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 3-3

As you have now seen in Example 2 above, AI ChatBot pro-actively captures your attention as soon as you open the business website in your browser.


After viewing both above examples, ask yourself a few questions:


   o  Which business and brand would I be more likely to trust?


   o  Which business would I be more likely to buy from?


   o  Which business website would I spend more time on looking at their range of products and / or services?


If you have a nice-looking business website with some form of online chat agent available, your business website is like the shop assistant from clothing store one in the retail shopping experience example described at the beginning of this blog article.


If you have a nice-looking business website without any form of online chat agent available, your business website is like clothing stores two and three in the retail shopping experience example.


If you have a nice-looking business website and you incorporate our AI ChatBot services, your business website will be like the shop assistance from clothing store four in the retail shopping experience example, maximising your opportunity to obtain sales of your products and / or services from your website visitors.


As you will have observed from Example 2 above, our AI ChatBot services launches when your business website opens in your browser.


The business introduction video commences playing muted but is highly visible to your website visitors, capturing their attention immediately and offering your website visitor’s the opportunity to click a button to hear the video sound.


Upon clicking the "Click For Sound" Button, the business introduction video commences playing from the beginning and plays through once before disappearing.


After the business introduction video finishing playing and disappears, the automated chat agent remains waiting to interact with your website visitor’s.


We pre-program the AI ChatBot’s automated chat agent to introduce itself, ask your website visitor for their name, email address and phone number, ask why they have visited your website or what product and / or services of yours they are interested in, offer discounts, conduct surveys, book appointments or call-backs and much more.


Furthermore, we can configure AI ChatBot in conjunction with Zapier to automatically port all information obtained from your website visitors to your own CRM system. This requires you to create an account with Zapier and additional monthly fees apply. Refer to Zapier’s website for more information on their account fee pricing.


Alternatively, we can provide you with a dedicated URL where you can download your business website chat history on a daily basis as a .CSV file and import it into your CRM or Emailing program, etc.


You can also order additional AI ChatBots to be deployed on different web pages on your business website. We can add AI ChatBot on your product and / or service description, individual product or service, shopping cart and checkout web pages, guiding your website visitors through your business sales process.


AI ChatBot works tirelessly for you automatically 24 x 7 x 365. AI ChatBot is your own business AI Robot. It never sleeps, complains, or takes time off. There is no need to waste your employees time or to employ additional staff to monitor your business website chat agents. All your business website visitors chat histories are automatically saved to the Google Cloud for you.


For businesses with a smaller marketing budget, here are a few other examples of how AI ChatBot can be configured to suit your marketing budget.


    Example 3 – Click the Image below to view a nice-looking business website incorporating an example of our AI ChatBot service configured for the video component only

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 3-4

    Example 4 – Click the Image below to view a nice-looking business website incorporating an example of our AI ChatBot service configured for the automated chat agent only

    Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. AI ChatBot Blog Article Image 3-5

We can configure our AI ChatBot service to suit large through to small businesses budgets.


Our AI ChatBot service is fully automated and fully hosted in the Google Cloud. We provide all hosting for free, and you need zero programming knowledge on your side. Our AI ChatBot service only requires a few lines of code to be added to your website pages to be displayed, and renders perfectly on all devices.


You have already invested in your business by creating or having a nice-looking business website created for you.


Now is the perfect time to invest a bit more money into your business by adding our AI ChatBot service to your business website, and thus, obtain a pro-active, professional edge on your competitors.


Act now before your competitors do, and start stealing potential customers from you!


Click HERE to read more about our AI ChatBot service, view pricing and securely order AI ChatBot online.


Turbo charge your business website sales funnel using our AI ChatBot service and take your business website to the next level by contacting us at Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd.! We promise results! We drive brand awareness, generate leads, and maximise your revenue in ways that have not been done before. Make money. Be successful. Choose Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd.


Share this Blog Article  
NOTE: You must be logged into your Social Media Account to share this Blog Article.

We love everything internet here at Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd. We love our supporters too, so, if you share our AI ChatBot Blog Article on your Social Media Accounts, email us a screen capture to to let us know and we will send you a gift! As we say here at Double 8 Media Pty. Ltd., sharing is caring!